Meet the Roses, Brenda and Kyla

About the Roses

Hey girlfriends! We are Brenda Rose and Kyla Rose, a mother-daughter duo. We’re just regular girls that have a passion for fashion and girl time! Trying to solve our own image issues led us to the crazy idea of jumping in to help other women.

We live real lives just like you.  Life has a way of throwing you curveballs that can take you off your game and make you feel you’ve lost your sparkle. We’ve been there.

By working with us, you will discover your personal color palette, unlock your personal style, and learn how to dress and style pieces to best flatter your body. It’s your time to shine!

Women should reach their hand to lift you up rather than pull you down.

We will be there to cheer you on as you look your best, feel your best, and live your best life!

Meet Brenda Rose

I blame my addiction to glam on my mom. I grew up designing and making my own clothes so it didn’t take long for me to connect fashion and image. My mom also introduced me to Color Analysis and personal style when I was a young mom, so I have been in my own “color and fashion world” for 40 years. I even decorate my home to reflect my own total personal style.

I first became a Certified Image Consultant as a side gig for my career in health and fitness. Then life happened. Circumstances took me away from my passion and by the time I was ready to re-group, I had aged. I was shocked at who looked back at me in the mirror. I felt invisible.

Working through my own struggle with aging, I have learned how to be visible again and put my best “older self” forward. So hey, we’ve got this, girls! Together, we’ll fight this age thing all the way – but we’ll do it gracefully!

*Specializes in Women Over 50.


Brenda with her color palette
Kyla with her color palette

Meet Kyla Rose

I also blame my addiction to glam on my mom…It’s in our DNA! As a young girl, I would sketch runway outfits and put on fashion shows. I had big dreams of going to Fashion school and working in the fashion world! Instead, I got a degree in Business & Marketing. Everyone told me I would never make a living here in my small-town Ohio with a fashion career. Leaving my family wasn’t in the cards! Now, here I am 10 years later going after my dreams as a Certified Image Consultant & Stylist.  

Even as someone who has been considered a fashionista, I too have struggled with my personal style. As a new mom, I felt I had totally lost touch with my sense of style. Between a new lifestyle, a new budget, body changes, and feeling like the trends just weren’t “me,” I felt lost. 

Discovering my own personal style again and learning how to best dress for my body has made me more confident in who I am. I don’t want to look like everyone else…I’ve decided I just want to be me! Now, I’m on a mission to share everything I know to help other women look and feel like a million bucks.

Featured on WDTN Living Dayton and in The Chic Guide Cincy

What We Do

Color Analysis, Body & Style Analysis

We discover your personal color palette, unlock your personal style, and teach you how to dress to flatter your body. It doesn’t matter if you are a glam fashionista or if fashion just isn’t your thing, everyone needs these tools!


Every woman is beautiful in her own, unique way. 

While we all have our thorns, we also all have our rose…our good thing!

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    Let’s get started on your Transformation!